
School Funds


What has happened inside Gov. George Deukmejian during this feud with state Superintendent of Instruction Bill Honig to turn him into such an enemy of our children?

With the stroke of a pen, he could have assured that many more parents in California could afford to pay for their children’s college education. Instead, he vetoed AB 1922, a bill sponsored by Assemblyman Charles Bader (R-Pomona) and passed by our Legislature, which would have allowed parents to prepay their children’s college costs. This is only the latest in a string of decisions coming from Sacramento weighted against our children.

Apparently the governor lives so far above the masses that he has no understanding of how great the struggle is for most parents to finance what is usually more than one college education at a time. His decisions reflect that he has no understanding of our struggles nor our hopes for the futures of our children.


Are we to sit by and let him continue to gut our school system and sabotage our children’s futures?

No one who cares about children or the future of this great state can afford to ignore the issue of properly educating our children.


