
Three Views of L.A. Status

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JOAN QUINN, West Coast editor of Interview magazine, art patron and philanthropist

“David Hockney homemade prints that he does himself on a color Xerox machine are real big right now. Going to India is very in, but my husband, Jack, and I have already been there three or four years ago. It’s almost like a replay of the ‘60s, the fact that people are interested in going again, searching for their guru. But before they lived in communes; now they’re staying in first-class hotels.”

PETER MORTON, Owner of the Hard Rock Cafes and Mortons

“Great paintings like (David) Hockney’s are in. And tennis courts. Obviously you don’t find a tennis court in a tract home. For cars, it’s a Ferrari convertible. And for vacations, any exotic place like New Guinea or the Great Barrier Reef in Australia--something that’s not your usual trip.”

NINA BLANCHARD, Owner, Nina Blanchard modeling agency

“In terms of entertaining, there was a time when discos were very in. Now the status parties are the ones given in homes. They tend to be not so lavish, because there are too many charity parties people have to go to. They’re more intimate, more like an open house than a formal sit-down dinner. And if you own a home at the beach and an in-town house and are making payments on both, people know you’ve made it.”
