
Sam Donaldson Pinch-Hits for White House ‘Voice’


Reporters who called a White House recording to learn President Reagan’s schedule today were surprised to hear television newsman Sam Donaldson give the details.

Asked why she let the aggressive ABC White House correspondent make the recording, which is provided daily on a private line as a service to the news media, White House press assistant Liz Murphy, who normally handles the chore, said it was a “spur of the moment” thing.

“Last night, Sam was sitting here (in her office) when I was getting ready to do it and I asked him if he wanted to pinch-hit,” Murphy said.


Noting that Reagan’s main appointment today was a meeting with Japan’s Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita, the irrepressible Donaldson explained: “It was clear I was the only one who could pronounce Takeshita so they pressed me into service.”
