
Ignorance Is the Real Killer

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In response to the American Assn. of Women’s opposition to the Los Angeles County Medical Assn.’s billboards on AIDS, I say, at least someone is trying to do something.

Unlike these pious females who have proclaimed themselves guardians of that myth called “traditional family values,” the medical association has attempted an outreach program aimed at those who need AIDS information the most. Condoms may not be a cure, but ignorance is a killer.

Yet these deluded hate-mongers feel that a newsletter circulation of 24,000 outweighs the neglect that over 50,000 AIDS patients in this country have received. How dare Leslie Dutton and her broom-riding moralists encourage the County Board of Supervisors to continue their lack of responsibility in the area of AIDS.


We have just begun to get the attention of Dean Dana and Mike Antonovich. I hope that in this election year both men remember that 24,000 self-righteous, sexually repressed idiots do not constitute a majority.

Perhaps when AIDS strikes closer to home, Ms. Dutton will wish she had spent her energies to ban the disease, not the flow of information needed to control it.


West Hollywood
