
Noriega and Drug Smuggling


What price drug enforcement? The recent killing of two Drug Enforcement Administration agents in cold blood shocked the entire community. It revealed that not only the sale of drugs but robbery are all part of the way junkies operate. That daily hundreds of DEA agents are not doing their duty to try and rid the influx and sale of drugs. This plague of such enormous size continues to be one of leading killers, mainly of our youth.

In the midst of the above and very unexpectedly comes to our attention the Panamanian scandal. This once again involves our government at the highest level. It comes out that we have been used by Noriega, an alleged drug dealer, gun runner, and money launderer, while being on the payroll of the CIA. One begins to wonder with the latest breaking news how and when can we expect an end or at least a control of shipments of drugs from Central America.

It is a terrible sin that the two DEA agents that were killed in cold blood while several thousands of miles away in Panama a drug cartel headed by Noriega and his associates were raking in millions and millions from the same drugs the DEA are trying to stop.


Hopefully, some effort will be made to ensure that in the future a DEA agent can carry out his job without being caught up an innocent victim.


Los Angeles
