
Waldheim’s Nazi Past


The regularly appearing articles, radio and TV comments, all critical about Waldheim, are bearing the characteristics of prejudice bordering on orchestrated vengeance. Crimes he supposedly committed 45 years ago include:

--Directly or indirectly participating in the mass deportation of Yugoslavs and Greeks to German labor camps.

--Failing to oppose inhuman orders received from his superiors.

Even if we assume that the young lieutenant was guilty as charged, the persistent hounding by the American media is unjustified. Those who are producing the endless flow of news items are individuals who either have only limited knowledge of the facts, or are not interested in impartial reporting. War is hell and the devil is fighting on both sides!


Before we start feeling too righteous about “crimes against humanity” let us remember the extermination of the Indian nations; the forceful enslaving of millions of Negroes; and the atomic annihilation of the population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Remember the saying about those who live in glass houses?


