
Prayer Healing and Girl’s Death


Thank you for your fairness in the March 6 article. So often Christian Scientists are depicted by the media as fanatics or worse, when, to my family and me, relying on God alone for healing is the most natural thing in the world--and the most effective.

Just as our parents did for us, my husband and I rely solely on Christian Science for all the health needs of our four sons and find it invaluable for the quick cure of whatever ailments and contagions they are subjected to. Collectively our four children have missed only five days of school since September due to illness, three of those days because we felt it inconsiderate to others to send a child to school with a slight cough or cold. One particular healing that comes to mind happened several years ago when our youngest was a toddler. He had a flu-type illness that suddenly became quite serious. We called a Christian Science practitioner for treatment and he was completely well the next morning.


Fountain Valley
