

Clipboard researched by Rick Vanderknyff, Susan Greene, and Henry Rivero, Deborrah Wilkinson / Los Angeles Times

Effective March 25, the “Revised Index” represents a sample eligibility comparison for California high school graduates and/or residents applying for fall 1988 admission to the California State University system.

“As students take more rigorous courses, their standardized test scores go off but not enough to fully offset the drop in grade point averages,” said Dr. Charles Lindahl, assistant vice-chancellor of academic affairs, educational support. “We prefer students with a 3.00 grade point average in college preparatory courses,” rather than a 4.00 in less academically oriented classes.

Although achievement test scores and grade point averages were lowered, university officials stress that overall academic requirements are tougher for high school students ranking in the upper one-third of their class. Now, prospective applicants must have completed four years of English; three years of mathematics and elective courses; two years of a foreign language and one year of study in U.S. history or U.S. government, visual and performing arts and science with a laboratory. Prior to the index revision, applicants were only required to have completed four years of English and two years of mathematics.


REVISED INDEX (1988-1989 academic year) Grade Point ACT SAT Average Score Score 3.00 and above qualifies with any score 2.90 10 480 2.80 12 560 2.70 14 640 2.60 16 720 2.50 18 800 2.40 20 880 2.30 22 960 2.20 24 1040 2.10 26 1120 2.00 28 1200

Source: California State University, Office of the Chancellor

PRIOR INDEX (1987-1988 academic year) Grade Point ACT SAT Average Score Score Above 3.10 qualifies with any score 3.00 13 600 2.90 15 680 2.80 17 760 2.70 19 840 2.60 21 920 2.50 23 1000 2.40 25 1080 2.30 27 1160 2.20 29 1240 2.10 31 1320 2.00 33 1400

Source: California State University, Office of the Chancellor
