
‘The Politics of Sensitivities’


I read Lamm’s article with interest. I was surprised that a person with his prestigious title could be so misinformed! Social Security/Medicare covers far more than the elderly and will pay tomorrow’s recipients far more than today’s!

Lamm is confusing Social Security with the “the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund” and should check with the Internal Revenue Service before making exaggerated statements such as lumping Medicare payments with total medical spending for all residents of the United States! He mentions the 35 million Americans who are denied basic health coverage for lack of money. These Americans could very easily be covered by raising the 7.51% F.I.C.A. tax on individuals, but not on their employers, above the present $45,000 cap on income to the actual total income received by individuals.

Presently TV anchormen, athletes, executives such as Lamm and other high-income corporate types pay a maximum of $3,379.50 on incomes in the millions!


Legislation is needed to prevent such inequities. Americans should take care of their own!


Big Bear Lake
