
Verdict Against Tobacco Firm


My letter pertains to the landmark legal decision handed down by a federal jury in New Jersey (Part I, June 14). The case is regarding smoking and involves the tobacco company of Liggett Group Inc. as the primary defendant and Antonio Cipollone as the plaintiff. The jury awarded Cipollone $400,000 in damages.

It seems to me that the tobacco industry can once again rejoice about its triumph over the little guy. Sure the plaintiff won $400,000 but only after spending about $2,000,000. While I realize the tobacco industry spent a reported $50,000,000, it still appears that Goliath unfortunately survived David’s slingshot.

Before the tobacco companies sit back and take a puff on their cigars or cigarettes, let me suggest that this isn’t a victory for them but the beginning of the end. That is because a jury decision against the tobacco companies, small as it may be, will nevertheless serve as a breeding ground for many more lawsuits. Second-hand smokers will soon get involved, as part of our litigious society, and before you know it David will once again be where he belongs--that is, looking down at the ground and seeing a slain Goliath with a cigarette butt in his mouth.



Woodland Hills
