
‘Great Pretender’ Protested


I, for one, cannot condemn enough the disruptive actions of Michelle Anderson as reported by Nikki Finke (“The Great Pretender,” June 16).

To protest peacefully, openly, straightforwardly and within legal limitations against what one might feel is an injustice is the prerogative of all of us in a free democratic society. But the covert action Anderson executed, apparently solely for her own aggrandizement and, at the emotional expense and hurt of fellow participants with whom she was closely associated, I find totally repugnant.

Girls in contests such as the Miss California Pageant know, or should know going in, the hard work, long hours, stress, frustrations and, most important, the total dedication such a program requires, no less, really, than that of Olympic hopefuls. They are not being exploited but rather are being offered a chance at a rainbow, whether it be motion pictures, TV, modeling, personal self-worth or whatever. That is their right--their choice--and I applaud them for it.


I submit that Anderson’s energies would be far better directed toward actively working toward solutions involving drugs, crimes, poverty, homelessness and other socioeconomic problems with which our country--and the world--face.


Diamond Bar
