
‘In One Stroke, Palestine Exists’


Pfaff has astutely observed that “Not everyone has noticed, but Palestine exists--under Israeli military occupation, but it exists.”

He correctly analyzed that King Hussein’s decision to terminate Jordan’s administrative and economic connections with Palestine “created a Palestinian state” and will force Palestinians to cope with their problems themselves, which they may do successfully if Israel doesn’t interfere.

I endorse Pfaff’s recommendations that Israel end its colonization and withdraw to pre-1967 borders with one major provision. The withdrawal must be negotiated with the nascent Palestinian government to resolve critical issues.


Some of these issues are the remuneration for Palestinian homes and lands seized by Israeli soldiers during the 1948 War and now inside the pre-1967 boundaries; the issue of Jewish settlers who will wish to remain within the new Palestinian state; the issue of rail lines, telecommunication access, and air corridors between the West Bank and Gaza, and water rights.

To withdraw without beginning negotiations to resolve these complex issues would guarantee disaster. Militant, armed vigilantes would promptly attack Palestinians, and the Israeli army would immediately return “to protect” the settlers.

Israel should allow the Palestine National Council to form a provisional government and then negotiate a rapid and complete withdrawal, not a Lebanese-style withdrawal.


