
The World - News from Sept. 27, 1988

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American Clinton Suggs told a West German court he believed he would be the “next to die” after Arab hijackers shot a fellow Navy diver and threw him out of a commandeered TWA jet. Suggs, testifying at the murder and air piracy trial of Mohammed Ali Hamadi, said he figured he had just moments to live after Robert Dean Stethem, 23, of Maryland, was shot and he heard hijackers say, “One more in five minutes.” Hamadi, a Lebanese Shia Muslim, is charged in the 1985 hijacking in which 39 Americans were held hostage for 17 days. Suggs also testified that the mortally wounded Stethem was “still alive” when he was tossed on the runway. Hamadi has admitted taking part in the hijacking but denies having shot Stethem.
