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What an ironic twist for Occidental to label families opposing the industrialization of residential and recreational areas “elitists.” As an ordinary housewife trying to survive Oxy’s industrial harassment (the reader lives near the oil derrick on Olympic Boulevard), allow me to tell you the true meaning of this word. Elitists are the Oxy executives who spend their weekends at the country clubs while ordering a derrick to bombard our homes with noise morning, noon and night. Elitists are the former city hall officials who pushed the oil drilling in our densely populated residential neighborhood and then joined Oxy’s payroll. Elitists are Oxy’s affluent lawyers who ignore our pleas for the right to quiet enjoyment of our homes.

Oxy’s chief elitist, Armand Hammer, has turned a deaf ear to prior pledges to operate a soundproof site. Hammer personally crusaded to drill and process gas within earshot of our living rooms. Give Oxy a chance, he pleaded, to show how harmonious the industry can blend in with a residential neighborhood. Oxy will always put the people’s home interests first and corporate profits second.


Los Angeles
