
The World - News from Oct. 31, 1988

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The leader of Lebanon’s Amal militia accused the extremist Hezbollah (Party of God) of slaying three of his top aides and plotting to poison two others, widening the rift between the rival Shia Muslim factions. Amal leader Nabih Berri described Hezbollah as “Dracula, the blood sucker” as he addressed 4,000 of his supporters at at rally in Nabatiyeh, 45 miles south of Beirut. Berri said the extremist group was responsible for killing Daoud Daoud, Mahmoud Fakih and Hassan Sbayti in an ambush in southern Beirut on Sept. 22. “Through the assassination, they (Hezbollah) intended to gain dominance over southern Lebanon,” he said. The victims had been in charge of Amal operations in southern Lebanon.
