
‘A Government to Despise’


Oh you poor babies. Didn’t you get what you wanted in the last election? Awwww. That’s right. Cry, moan, despise the elected persons, blame, and just act your usual selves--old children still clinging to childish thoughts and actions. You make me want to laugh (or cry). You would like to stamp your little Reeboks and make faces at mummy (or daddy, or the teacher) behind their backs but, being middle-aged, even you realize that would be going too far.

If you want a Democrat, or any one particular person or persons in office, why don’t you act like mature people? Grow up, accept responsibility for getting that party or persons in office and stop blaming everything wrong in your little world on this or that party or elected persons.

If you can’t do that, go cry in your diaper bags and stop muddying the waters of people who really do have goals and work like crazy to attain them. Children of the ‘60s? You remind me of old flappers still trying to get into the chorus line! You are so tiresome.



Yucca Valley
