
Tests Find Traces of Barbiturates in Onassis, Judge Says

From Reuters

Traces of barbiturates were found in samples taken from the body of shipping millionairess Christina Onassis, who died here Nov. 19, an Argentine judge said Tuesday.

Forensic tests showed the presence of the drug optalidon, although it had not yet been determined in what quantities, Federal Judge Daniel Piotti said.

Medical sources said optalidon is a sedative that can be fatal if taken in large doses.

Onassis, 37, died at a friend’s home on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. The cause of death was given as pulmonary edema, or excessive fluid in the lungs, a condition that can be brought on by a number of factors, including a heart attack or drug overdose.


Piotti said forensic scientists are still analyzing 41 different kinds of pills and other medications belonging to Onassis.
