
Names in the News : Sheela Left U.S. Broke, She Says

Associated Press

Ma Anand Sheela, former secretary to Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, arrived here today from Los Angeles, leaving behind more than $269,000 in unpaid fines and restitution in Oregon after being freed from prison and deported.

“I have no money,” she told reporters as she arrived with two small handbags and no luggage.

“I am extremely wealthy and rich in my soul, but I’m also extremely poor,” said Sheela. “But I will make plenty of (money), that’s my first goal.”


Sheela, 39, was released from a California prison on Tuesday after serving 2 1/2 years for crimes ranging from attempted murder to wiretapping. Oregon Atty. Gen. Dave Frohnmayer’s office said a communications foulup prevented Oregon authorities from being told.
