
Relatives of French Hostage Plan to Spend Christmas in Beirut

From Reuters

The mother and brother-in-law of Frenchwoman Jacqueline Valente, kidnaped more than a year ago by Palestinian radicals, said Saturday that they will spend Christmas in Beirut as a gesture of support.

Valente was one of eight Europeans on board the yacht Silco when it was seized by Abu Nidal’s Fatah Revolutionary Council off the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip in November, 1987.

Valente’s two young daughters were kidnaped with her and she gave birth to a third girl, called Liberte, or Freedom, last Christmas Day.


“How else can I mark the first birthday of my granddaughter, born in captivity on Christmas, 1987, than to be in Beirut on Christmas?” said Valente’s mother Brigitte.

The kidnapers accused the Europeans of being Zionist spies, which family and friends have denied.
