
Give and Take


The David W. Myers article “Condo Purchase Needs Extra Care’ (Jan. 15) is constructive, but there are two important points that are not mentioned.

First, the long-term successful operation of a homeowners association depends on the efforts and the talents of its members. One should not go into a condo situation with the attitude that someone else will always take care of the various necessary tasks. Even a complex large enough to retain professional management requires continuing interest and attention on the part of the homeowners. Any association can afford some “free riders” but if there are very many, there is likely to be trouble.

Second, every condo association has certain rules of conduct--covering such things as parking, use of recreational facilities, use of common areas, etc. A prospective purchaser should be familiar with these and be willing to be bound by them.


In a nutshell, one who moves into a condo complex should be prepared to “give” as well as “take.”


Lake San Marcos

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