
Agriculture as an Option for Students

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I am writing in support of Eleanor Lozano’s letter “Interested in Vocational Agriculture” (Feb. 5). I strongly agree that a vocational agriculture program should be a part of the curriculum at Placentia High School. In addition, I think that this kind of program should be an option at all high schools.

Regarding her comment that vocational agriculture is a way of diverting the young from drugs and other unproductive activities: I applaud Eleanor’s thinking. I personally am aware of an agriculture program being developed for an Inglewood high school that will be part of that school’s drug rehabilitation program.

There has been a lot written about the positive benefits of interactions with plants. I would advocate community gardens as a viable addition to recreation and social opportunities available to those living in urban areas. I have been a member of several community gardens through the years and have found it to be a gratifying way to spend time outdoors in the city.


As a concerned citizen, I urge city planners and residents of communities to consider this option for more than high school students.


Huntington Beach
