
Abortion Dilemma: Which Way Should America Go?

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Anti-abortionists give single mothers and poor people two options: Put your unwanted child up for adoption or keep the baby. Many times these babies have medical problems or are of mixed parentage, making them impossible to place. Many keep the baby even when they do not have the economic means to provide a proper environment. Guilt is heaped on the mother to learn to cope.

Single women live a hand-to-mouth existence they will probably never escape from due to the low wages most women with limited education receive. Unwanted births lead to unwanted children, who often are abused physically and mentally. This leads to social ills that fill our hospitals and prisons. This creates situations in our educational institutions with which we are ill-equipped to cope.

Where are the anti-abortionists after the babies are born and the mothers take them home? There is no affordable child care, no affordable housing, no proper medical care and no job training that will provide more than a minimum-wage job. I wonder how many of the anti-abortionists live at this economic level. I ask the anti-abortionist, “When is the last time that you took in a single mother with minimum education and no job skills?”


I do not deny anyone their right to believe and to make their view known to any who will listen. But no one has the right to perpetuate their views through intimidation and physical force. Abortion has always been with us; those with money obtain good care at a price and poor people die in dirty back rooms.

Legalized abortion is one method of helping women in need. The time and money spent to take away the choice could be better spent in counseling mothers who select abortion or adoption and providing care and training for those desiring to keep their babies.

The moral issue is a personal one for each to live and die with on their own terms with their own god(s). As people, we should support and help in any way we can. Judgment is for someone beyond our sphere.



