
Overseas Troops

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Remember when we were kids how we used to laugh at the fable about the emperor’s new clothes? Well, now we’ve grown up, and the fables aren’t so funny anymore. Like the one about how we have to maintain thousands of American troops in Europe to prevent some imaginary invasion by the Soviet Union . . . an invasion that everybody knows is never going to happen, but nobody will admit.

What I can’t figure out is why no one’s willing to confront the truth. Is it fear of offending the military establishment, which stands to lose a good deal of money and power if these troops are recalled? Or maybe we’ve been brainwashed by the ruling class in this country, which might lose some of its control over the world should we stop defending a continent totally competent to take care of itself by now.

Whatever the reason, refusing to face reality is costing this country billions of dollars. Not only are we throwing away money we can ill afford to lose, consider the lives and energy being wasted that could help us solve some real problems. We seem to be going right down the same path as countries like France, Spain and Britain . . . other formerly great powers whose belief in unending supremacy led them into equally foolish endeavors.


Or will a miracle happen, and some child will come along and convince us to take a good look at what we’re doing? Maybe even a Soviet child?


Santa Monica
