
Travelers Air Complaints in Poll

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The average airline passenger arrives at the airport 35 minutes before departure and considers slow service to be the biggest annoyance in traveling, according to a survey conducted by the Hertz Corp.

The Hertz poll also found that 30% of airline passengers arrive 15 to 30 minutes early for their flights; 33% arrive 31 to 45 minutes before flight time; 28% arrive more than 45 minutes before, and 9% arrive 15 minutes or less before flight time.

There was no difference between men and women on patterns of arrival time. Regionally, Farm Belt passengers were most likely to allot at least 45 minutes before flight time while customers from the Deep South were least likely to arrive 45 or more minutes ahead of flight time.


The poll also found travelers’ biggest complaints about flying to be: slow service, 31%; inefficient service, 29%, and unfriendly service people, 23%.
