
Denial of Club’s License

In an article long on sarcasm and short on insight (“The Burghers Who Killed Rock,” Orange County Calendar, March 2), Mike Boehm accuses Laguna Beach (City) Council members of being stodgy “burghers” and possibly racists for their denial of an alcohol license to Club Postnuclear.

Boehm further states that the council members are the county’s elite, motivated by affluence. Since the owner of Club Postnuclear, Max Nee, initiated the idealistic no-smoking, no-alcohol policy but found that he did not make enough money, is he not the one who is motivated by affluence?

Granted, there is a certain hypocrisy in the fact that Laguna Beach is not governed by prohibition and allows alcohol to be sold in other venues. However, the abuse of alcohol and its damaging consequences are more likely to result from the clientele of a licensed Club Postnuclear.


Perhaps Mike Boehm could broaden the scope of his sarcasm to include not only Laguna Beach but the entire nation, which condones the No. 1 drug, alcohol, and blathers on about a “War on Drugs.”

Or perhaps Mr. Boehm could address the issue of why rock music can only succeed when the listeners are under the influence.


Lake Forest
