
Friends Need Friends

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It was a pleasant experience reading Sam Hall Kaplan’s “Whose Pasadena Is It, Anyway?” (Feb. 26). Those of us who have been involved with Friends of La Vina over the last few years were beginning to feel very much alone and misunderstood in our work to protect our community. Our concern is for our environment--the care of our land, our history and our children’s future--to maintain a quality environment for all people in Altadena.

Kaplan’s was one of the few articles to fairly represent our views. Because the Friends of La Vina do not have the financial resources available to developers and politicians, we treasure even more his accurate reporting.

Our battle is just the first in our struggle to protect the quality of life in the San Gabriel foothills. We expect our upcoming confrontations to be lengthy and difficult, but we will not be dissuaded.



Miralles is chairman of Friends of La Vina.
