
Global Distribution of Scriptures in 1988 Marks Record for Bible Society

From Religious News Service

More than half a billion Scriptures were distributed around the world last year, making it the biggest yearly total since the United Bible Societies came into being 43 years ago.

The total of 692,754,925 was an 11% increase above 1987 as reported by the United Bible Societies, which now has work in more than 180 countries.

Figures were up for all global regions and all categories of Scripture. Bible distribution rose by 10.1%, with more than 14 million placed in circulation. New Testament distribution rose by 11.9% for a total of 12,909,437.


The largest numerical increase was in Asia and the Pacific, where the total of 300,874,234 Scriptures represented an increase of 38 million over 1988.

Brazil was the country with the largest Scripture distribution figure, a total of more than 164 million. This was the largest number ever recorded by any national Bible society and represented a 41.2% growth during 1988.

Africa showed the greatest percentage growth of any of the four regions, with a 35.9% rise to 17,587,927 copies.
