
Israel and the Intifada

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I was moved to tears by the very thought-provoking column of Waskow, who cried out with such unusual pathos, “Let my people go” to Israel, asking the Jewish government to let the Arabs go. First, I called Western Union and dispatched a telegram to Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, asking him to immediately allow all Arabs to leave Israel so they can find true freedom in Saudi Arabia where there is lots of land, many mosques and lots of economic freedom as well.

Second, I called the Israel Consulate and, informed the listeners of the contents of this moving article, and again asked the consul of Israel to soften his heart and allow the Arabs to leave Israel, which would also permit me and Waskow to have a pleasant Passover Seder without the trouble of changing our theology on short notice: two days before Passover.

To my complete surprise the Israel Consulate secretary clerk, in the absence of her boss, told me that Israel is willing to allow all Arabs, on a voluntary basis, to leave Israel.


As I was ready to hang up the phone, the secretary said: “Wait a minute, I have a question to ask you.” She asked, “And what did Rabbi Waskow propose to do, to free the Jews who are jailed and oppressed, raped, killed and forcefully converted to other religions in Syria, Yemen, Iran, Ethiopia, and Lebanon?” I replied: “He did not mention those Jews at all, but why should you ask that of me?” She said, “You see, Mr. Lindner, I too want to have a good Seder, and the Jews of the Arab countries also crave for some Seder.”


Los Angeles
