
Pornography Case Ruling

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Somebody get Judge Kenyon an aspirin because he isn’t going to believe the headache he’s going to have after rendering his cowardly and meaningless decision. Kenyon not only dropped the ball, he kicked a field goal for the other team when he cited L.A.’s “diversity” as the reason he dismissed charges against a distributor of videos that portray “graphic depictions of group sex, oral sex, beatings and bondage” and “a gang rape scene in a mental hospital” and other outrageous perversity.

Does the judge not realize that L.A.’s great “diversity” includes people who dig bestiality, kiddie porn and other unmentionable things? Is this how we judge “community standards”? I believe that when evaluating something called “standards” we are talking not about what a small segment of the community tolerates, but values and practices that the community upholds.

Let’s face it. There is already plenty of legislation on the books to make this kind of sick fare illegal. and worthy of prosecution. All we need are a few judges who are willing to stand up to these money-motivated filth merchants. Instead, Kenyon has thrown the arms of Los Angeles wide open to anyone with a camera, greed for money, and a complete disregard for human dignity to come set up shop.



El Toro
