
Pornography Case Ruling

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Is it any wonder that sexual crime is on the increase in our society?

Like thousands of other residents of the Los Angeles area, I was appalled to hear U.S. District Judge David Kenyon say he is unable to determine whether violent, degrading pornographic films violate community standards (“Porno Case Is Dismissed; L.A. Diversity Cited,” Part I, May 4).

Whether Kenyon recognizes it or not, there are standards of morality and decency that are held sacred by a large majority of people in this community.

His decision to dismiss charges brought by the federal government against one of Los Angeles’ most blatant and repulsive distributors of hard-core pornography is a slap in the face of the fine, decent folks who believe in and want to uphold and maintain high standards of morality in their communities.


In granting acquittal, Judge Kenyon has come down on the side of immorality and indecency.

Shame on you, Judge Kenyon!


