
Top City Officials Win Pay Raises

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The San Diego City Council voted to increase the salaries of five top city officials Tuesday, offering raises of slightly more than 4% annually to all but City Auditor Ed Ryan, who won a 7.8% annual salary increase.

The council also approved a one-year extension of its contract with the Municipal Employees Assn., granting the union a 4% raise for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990. The union represents about 4,000 white-collar workers.

City Manager John Lockwood, the city’s highest-paid employee, received a 4.3% increase from his current salary of $116,196. Lockwood will earn $121,284 in the fiscal year that begins July 1.


City Atty. John Witt, Planning Director Robert Spaulding and City Clerk Charles Abdelnour earned raises of 4.2% or 4.3% for the coming fiscal year. Witt will earn $105,984, Spaulding will receive $103,812 and Abdelnour will earn $71,796.

Ryan will earn $80,520 during the coming fiscal year.

Council members’ salaries will remain at $45,000. Mayor Maureen O’Connor earns $60,000, but accepts just $50,000. The remaining $10,000 is distributed among her staff.
