
Timber Policy a ‘Fiasco’

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The Times’ “Old Trees, New Battles” story refers to a “classic fight between environmentalists and the timber industry.” To the contrary, it is a rather unique fight with taxpayers’ and fishermen’s organizations strongly supporting the reform along with environmentalists.

The bill would first and foremost eliminate a required and automatic appropriation of our tax dollars ($40 million a year) to subsidize logging in the Tongass. If passed, the Tongass would receive its share of tax dollars in an amount somewhat more in line with all of the National Forests.

Secondly, it would cancel the 50-year contracts with the two pulp mills and replace them with competitively bid, short-term timber sales. This is also good for us, the taxpayers. In addition, the bill would protect 23 areas determined to be most valuable for fish, wildlife and recreation.


In response to the Alaskans quoted as resenting outsiders’ involvement in the Tongass, perhaps a reminder is needed that we’re talking about a National Forest that belongs to all of us. Our stands of 300- to 800-year-old trees in the Tongass have been logged for 30 years using roads built with our money. It is not only our right, it is our responsibility to get involved.


Santa Barbara
