
Nowadays, It’s Dress to Regress

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I have to laugh at the furor raised over the House of Dior retiring veteran couturier Marc Bohan for an Italian so-called designer (“House of Dior Shows Bohan the Door,” May 12).

What the fashion world will not recognize is that the last real innovation in women’s clothing was in the early ‘20s, for the flappers in knee-length dresses. Since then, all designers have come up with are throwbacks to the ‘30s, the ‘40s, ‘50s, etc., all looking the same, but with added peplums, longer or shorter hems, ruffles around the bottom or leg-o-mutton sleeves.

There is no innovation, for designers have been at a complete standstill for 60 years, the first time in history that that has happened. There is no actual style, only fashion that knows no progress.



