
The State : Sirhan Again Denied Parole

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Sirhan Sirhan, serving a life term for assassinating Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, was denied parole after a hearing in which he expressed remorse for the slaying and said 21 years in prison was “plenty of punishment.” The state Board of Prison terms said Sirhan, 45, was unsuitable for parole and called Kennedy’s murder one of the most shocking crimes in U.S. history. Sirhan told the three-member panel: “I feel very sad, very sorry, very remorseful that a human life was taken. After 21 years, I have become quite convinced that my act was very wrong. I wish from the bottom of my heart that this crime, this horrible event, never occurred.” The board set a new parole hearing for next May and recommended that Sirhan continue in self-help therapy, accept a prison work assignment and undergo an in-depth psychiatric evaluation.
