
AIRLINES : On-Time Flights Increase While Complaints Decline

From Associated Press

Major airlines flew more on-time flights, lost less baggage and received fewer complaints in April, according to the Transportation Department’s monthly consumer report released Tuesday.

The department said airlines in April reported the highest on-time rate in six months--83.4%, an 11% improvement over the previous month. Delays due to mechanical problems are not counted.

Passengers filed reports of lost baggage in April at the rate of 6.15 for every 1,000 passengers, compared to 7.53 in March. This was also the lowest total in six months.


Complaints against individual airlines continued a long downward trend, with 876 filed with the government in May, down from 933 in April. The May figure was 53% below the 1,859 complaints received in May, 1988.

The department maintains a file of consumer information for more than 20,000 flights. Airlines and travel agents have access to performance data for specific flights.
