
Less Housing for the Elderly

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The zoning administrator of Glendale, so it would seem, has entered into an obscene pact with big business and the powers that be. Instead of making a thorough study of housing needs for the elderly, the city of Glendale has carelessly succumbed once again to the demands of a mega-institution, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The latest victim is the beautiful Village Apartment Courts on Central Avenue. This veritable pastoral community in downtown Glendale, which should by rights be dedicated a city landmark, is now fated to become a three-story parking lot topped off by a satellite dish.

The Mormon Church, which owns the property, is telling the Village dwellers, and with predictable self-righteousness, that we should be grateful for one month’s free rent (and a second month’s free rent if we move before Nov. 1 “without making trouble”)!


In granting the church’s request for a conditional-use permit and variance, the zoning administrator has thus approved the demise of a one-of-a-kind multiple dwelling, a complex of charming cottage apartments that has for many years been home to a legion of senior citizens. Layer upon layer of parking structures will never become a pride and joy to the city. The Village is exactly that to those who know it.

The zoning administrator should reverse this unfortunate decision. It is not too late.


