
Culver City : Traffic Accidents Decrease

Traffic accidents in Culver City decreased in 1988 by about one-fifth from 1987 and have dropped 55% since 1980, the Police Department has reported.

There were 548 accidents last year, down from 684 in 1987 and 1,239 in 1980. The decrease was largest for noninjury accidents, which dropped to 239 in 1988 from 365 in 1987. Injury accidents decreased from 319 to 309 in the same period.

Traffic volume has increased and was 50% higher in 1988 than in 1980, according to the department. More than 300,000 cars travel through Culver City each day, according to the department.


The drop can be attributed to selective enforcement, in which 10 motorcycle officers and two investigators are assigned to areas prone to accidents or errant drivers, said Lt. Owen Smet of the traffic bureau. He said issuing tickets brings about a reduction in accidents because drivers who see someone pulled over or who are pulled over themselves tend to drive more safely “just out of fear of getting a ticket.”
