
Fighting the War on Drugs


The debate continues to rage . . . escalate the war against cocaine, or legalize it. The government, naturally, wants to spend more billions on law enforcement and build more prisons. The problem with that approach is that we will never eradicate cocaine in this modern age of easy travel and sophisticated technology, let alone drugs like amphetamines and PCP that can be readily manufactured in any back-yard lab. The other argument, legalization, ignores the fact that no civilized society can afford to allow the spread of such a tempting poison as cocaine.

I believe that a totally new and bold approach to the problem must be initiated--legalize the distribution of cocaine, but prohibit its use. Why not? Most experts agree that education and treatment must be the tool of first resort in solving the cocaine problem.

The money the government would save in fighting dope dealers could be spent on regular testing for workers in every kind of business, plus students, plus anyone who comes in contact with law enforcement exhibiting symptoms of drug usage. Anyone found using drugs would be forced to spend a significant amount of time in a rehab center.


Sound crazy? Maybe, but drive through South-Central Los Angeles one night if you really want to experience crazy. Or visit Medellin.


Santa Monica
