
Lack of Insurance Halts Fire Protection

From United Press International

The tiny borough of Millbourne was without a fire company to call its own Sunday, thanks to a budget shortfall, the town’s fire chief said.

Volunteer Chief Joseph Artmont said the company had to call it quits, at least temporarily, because the borough does not have the cash to pay its $8,000 insurance bill.

Artmont said Upper Darby has agreed to provide fire protection to Millbourne for the next two weeks. After that, the borough of about 700 people will have to reimburse Upper Darby if it wants to continue the service, he said.


The Fire Department’s doors were officially closed at midnight Saturday, the time the department’s health insurance policy for 16 volunteers, as well as for automobile and liability coverage, ran out.

Borough officials blame the problem on receiving 15% less in taxes this year.
