
Westminster : Midway City Group Opposes Control Shift

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A final decision on whether Westminster should provide basic services for Midway City was placed on hold Wednesday after residents of that unincorporated community voiced opposition.

“I’m having a difficult time trying to force this marriage,” said Supervisor Dan R. Roth, a member of the Local Agency Formation Commission, which postponed the vote until its Nov. 1 meeting. “The bottom line is, there’s a lot of questions still unanswered.”

About 50 residents of Midway City expressed opposition to the change. Residents said they are satisfied with the public services provided by the county and do not want the higher taxes levied by Westminster for what they consider inferior services.


In addition, many older residents claim special affinity for the independent community, that they say is one of the oldest in the county.

“We love Midway City,” said Hugh and Anne Salisbury, in virtual unison.

“We’re happy with our protection, we feel covered and our taxes are not bad,” said Anne Salisbury. The Salisburys have lived in Midway City for 54 years.

At issue was whether LAFCO, a regional planning agency, should extend Westminster’s “sphere of influence” to include Midway City, an area surrounded by Westminster.
