
Altadena : Trash Recycling Next Year

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Altadena and La Crescenta will begin trash recycling January as part of a pilot program undertaken by the county’s Waste Management Division.

County representatives appeared at Tuesday’s Town Council meeting to promote the volunteer program and present a slide program detailing how glass, paper and metal cans will be recycled.

The recycling programs will be required beginning January by trash haulers using Glendale’s Scholl Canyon Landfill. Two refuse companies that serve Altadena’s 14,000 residents and two that haul trash for 4,000 residents in La Crescenta will be affected under a proposed ordinance scheduled for approval before the Board of Supervisors in November. To pay for the new program, the companies will be allowed to add a recycling fee, averaging about $1.50 monthly, to the monthly rates already charged. If the pilot program runs smoothly, it could be applied to the 250 trash haulers with permits to operate in the county. A similar recycling program is scheduled to begin February in East Pasadena.
