


Dorothy Cralle, owner of Pixie Treasures nursery in Yorba Linda, offers the following tips.

Location: Plant in full sun, semi-shade or a location with morning or afternoon sun. Select a well-drained area with good garden soil that does not stay wet after it rains; good drainage is important. Miniatures work well in a square or circular bed, bordering a walk, in the foreground of a bed of larger roses, in window boxes or in containers among other locations.

Planting: Dig a hole 12 inches wide and 12 inches deep, discard one-third of the original soil and add plenty of humus or mulch. Include a small handful of rose food, bone meal and soil sulfur if your area is alkaline (Orange County is). Space the minis 12 to 14 inches apart. Do not disturb the root ball; place it one inch below the soil surface. Press the soil firmly around the plant and water well. A one-inch deep mulch will help keep the surface around the plant cool and moist.


Watering: Miniature roses require an abundance of water. They need to be continuously damp, but must not be soggy below the root area or the roots will rot. Do not allow the plant to dry out between waterings because the fine feeder roots near the surface will be destroyed. Overhead watering will help keep the plant clean and healthy.

Fertilizing: Miniatures growing outdoors in the ground need about one tablespoon of rose food every month during their active growing season, which is in spring and summer. The fertilizer should be sprinkled around the plant three or four inches away from the crown and watered in. Time-release fertilizer may also be used. Liquid fish emulsion is excellent but needs to be applied more often.

Pruning: Prune lightly all year long as you remove spent flowers. Pruning encourages new growth, causing the plants to send up new branches from beneath the soil level. Keep the plants in a round shape, never tall or leggy.

Insects and disease: Spider mites are the miniature rose’s worst enemy, but they can be controlled by washing the plants weekly with a hose. Miticide spray used weekly for three or four weeks (be sure spray reaches the underside of leaves) will rid the plants of a severe infestation. Aphids can be controlled by using plain water or an all-purpose insecticide as needed.

Pot culture: Choose an eight-to-10-inch pot for plants that grow over eight inches tall, a six-inch pot for the tiny varieties. A drainage hole is a must. Use a good commercial potting mix. Without disturbing the root ball, place the miniature rose in the pot so the crown will be 1 1/2 inches below the top of the pot. Add planting mix to within one inch of the pot rim and firm gently. Keep soil well watered; do not allow plants to dry out between waterings. Lots of sunshine is required--at least one-half day of full sun. Liquid fish emulsion is excellent for pot culture and can be applied as often as every 10 days to two weeks.
