
Israel Report Cites PLO Terrorism

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From Associated Press

An official report made available Wednesday said that Yasser Arafat’s guerrilla faction has ordered 12 bombings and attacks on Israeli civilians since the PLO chairman promised last December to abandon terrorism.

Groups affiliated with the Palestine Liberation Organization carried out 18 infiltrations or rocket attacks across Israel’s borders in the same period, the report, prepared by Yigal Carmon, Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir’s anti-terror adviser, said.

The report comes at a time when Israel and the United States are at odds over PLO involvement in peace efforts and coincides with a campaign against the U.S. dialogue with the PLO begun 10 months ago, soon after Arafat renounced terrorism.


Meanwhile, Palestinians killed three Arabs in the occupied territories Wednesday, including a woman accused of subverting the Palestinian revolt by dealing in prostitution.

In Tel Aviv, a West Bank Palestinian was sentenced to life in prison plus 20 years after he pleaded guilty to murdering an Israeli construction worker and trying to careen a crowded public bus into a steep ravine last month.
