
Cranston’s Fund-Raisers

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Regarding your front-page article “Cranston Pioneers Tax Aid Technique for Contributions,” the headline should have read “Cranston Exploits Federal Tax Law for Personal Political Gain.” Tax exempt, nonpartisan, voter registration organizations? C’mon . . . what a sham!

The liberal Democrats have continually chastised Republicans for advancing tax policies which they allege favor the rich and wealthy.

And now look what we have here--Cranston schemes to create a tax loophole so that his rich and wealthy contributors can get a tax deduction for their political contributions. It may be legal but is it ethical? Since the contribution deductions allowed to Cranston’s cronies represent a “tax expenditure” (that is, lost federal revenues as the liberals are so fond of calling any tax deduction), all taxpayers are in effect being forced into contributing to the furtherance of Cranston’s political career.


Cranston represents an excellent example of why the terms of members of Congress should be limited to no more than two.


Laguna Hills
