
Yorba Linda Man Is Murder Suspect

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A Yorba Linda man was arrested Sunday on suspicion of murder in connection with the beating death of a Cerritos man who was assaulted by five young people wielding baseball bats.

Joffrey Deleon Lagadia, 18, was arrested in the afternoon at his home, a Los Angeles County sheriff’s spokesman said, and was being held without bail at the Lakewood Sheriff’s Station.

About 1:20 a.m. Sunday, authorities said, Miguel Sanchez, 19, had stopped his car at Vickie Avenue and Artesia Boulevard in Cerritos, where he was confronted by youths who shouted gang slogans and challenged him to a fight. When Sanchez left his car, he was severely beaten on the head, Deputy Bill Wehner said. Sanchez died Sunday afternoon at Pioneer Hospital in Artesia.


Lagadia was the only suspect arrested as of Sunday. Detectives were seeking others.
