
Water and Growth


Kudos goes to staff writer Bill Billiter for his perceptive articles expressing the “essence” of South County’s water problems.

Ah, yes! The initial water crisis was over by September for San Clemente and the other customers of the Tri-Cities district; however, the water shortage problems were not.

Billiter’s articles stressed the need not only for emergency conservation measures but also for a permanent allocation plan--a plan urged and supported. After all, four customers shared a single, finite water source. They will continue to share a single supply. Yet San Clemente, the largest and fastest-growing customer, has not recognized the need for the plan.


Projected additional supplies are not guaranteed, and reclaimed water facilities won’t release enough potable water to satisfy future demands, according to staff. Where does the city go from here? Councilman Tom Lorch wanted to know too, the only council member to express concern about the growth-water issue. More’s the pity.


San Clemente
