
Poisoning of Horses, Liability Insurance

Your article (Nov. 11) about the poisoning of several horses at the Orange County Fairgrounds points up again the need for products liability insurance.

The feed company’s attorney said, “Who would ever think of getting insurance for something as simple as alfalfa?” Anyone in the feed business should know that products liability insurance is probably more important than any other insurance they obtain, with the exception of workers’ compensation coverage.

Several years ago in Texas a similar feed poisoning occurred with payments running into the millions. Once you start processing anything, whether it is alfalfa or cheese, you are always subject to the possibility of contamination.


If you have the proper insurance, you can go on with your business and let the insurance company handle the expenses involved in settling claims. The alternative is to settle the claims yourself and put a few more lawyers into expensive care and offices.


San Juan Capistrano
