
Teaching Evolution

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How appropriate it is that you should have printed on the front page one article on the unraveling of the human genome (“Genetic Detectives on a Roll”) adjacent to another on the still plastic guidelines on the teaching of evolution in public schools (“Panel Agrees to Alter Evolution Guide on Texts,” Nov. 9). If evolution were not a reality, how could these detectives be on a roll? If the creationists gain control will they stop all work in this field since it supports an evolutionist’s viewpoint?

At the beginning of the 16th Century in Italy, the greatest astronomer of his day (Galileo) supported the “theory” that the earth revolved around the sun, contrary to ecclesiastical opinion. We now see in our country a similar burying of one’s head in the sand by many who should know better with regard to the “theory” of evolution. Galileo was afraid that if the church “won” all future advances in mathematics and physics would occur outside Italy. After his death, future events proved how right he was on this point. Will we follow a similar path?


