
Violence in El Salvador

The tragic intensity of fighting in El Salvador is only compounded by the Administration’s irresponsible assertion that “Nicaragua and Cuba are to blame” (Part A, Nov. 14). What a blatant denial of the fact that we pour $1.4 million per day of military and “economic” aid into the hands of the government and army--an army which represents the 2% wealthy who hold 60% of the land, an army whose right-wing death squads have accounted for more deaths against the population than rebel forces, a government whose backers include the primary suspect in the assassination of the archbishop and American nuns.

But why should we expect honesty and acceptance of blame from Capitol Hill. That would take more courage than we’ve seen demonstrated from pass-the-buck, not-on-my-watch politicians. So, it’s “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.” And damn El Salvador’s majority peasants to destruction.


Laguna Beach
