
Activists Cite ‘Villains’ in Variety of Industries

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The campaign against the cosmetics industry’s use of animals in product safety testing is just one aspect of what has been dubbed the “animal rights movement.”

Some animal protection groups have also campaigned against the use of animals in tests designed to ensure the safety of other consumer products; food additives and cleansers among them.

The activists’ positions range from demands for better lab conditions to calls for setting all animals free. The tactics have ranged from letter writing and peaceful picketing organized by groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and In Defense of Animals to the burglary and acts of violence linked to the Animal Liberation Front.


Animal rights groups have enlisted the help of many celebrities: Doris Day, Bob Barker and Candace Bergen among them.

Following is a brief list of other animal rights activities.

The Fur Trade: Animal rights activists have long opposed the trapping, killing and--in some cases--the raising of animals for the fur trade.

Medical Research: Some animal protection groups say medical researchers make excessive use of animals in their search for cures and treatments for diseases and illnesses. How much animal pain, they ask, is necessary for progress? Some oppose all testing of animals for biomedical research.


Agriculture: Some animal rights activists contend that many family and corporate farms maintain animals in brutal conditions from birth to butchering. They call for reforms. Others oppose eating meat and actively campaign for vegetarianism.
